What is the Service Provider Portal?
The Service Provider Portal (SPP) is a web-based application that allows Service Providers (vendors) access to their invoice reports, Purchase of Service Authorizations, payment history, and other reports.
How do I register to use the Service Provider Portal?
If you are currently vendorized by RCEB as a Service Provider, RCEB will add Service Providers to the SPP by service codes. Once RCEB creates your account, your eBilling Administrator will receive an e-mail confirming them as the SUPER USER with ID and password. You can begin using the Service Provider Portal.
What is a “Super User” of Service Provider Portal?
RCEB will assign only one Administrator Account (“SUPER USER”) ID per Service Provider. Each Service Provider is responsible to designate one SUPER USER who will be responsible for creating/maintaining Standard User account IDs for any staff of the Service Provider authorized to use the Service Provider Portal.
At the bottom of this page are links to tutorials for SUPER USERS and STANDARD USERS.
What if the “Super User” forgot his/her password?
Please e-mail RCEB at spp@rceb.org
What if a “Standard User” forgot his/her password?
Standard User may contact their Super User to reset the password.