For Clients: Consumer Advisory Committee Meeting [CAC]

We will plan to have this meeting in-person at our office in San Leandro 500 Davis Street / San Leandro / Griffin A Conference Room If you are a consumer and would like to attend, please let us know in advance by e-mailing: Time: 4pm - 5pm AGENDA Previous Month's MINUTES  

Start: 5:30pm Diversity & Equity Committee Meeting

Start Time: 5:30pm  Diversity & Equity Committee Meeting For language accommodation, please email by the end of Tuesday, Oct 22nd before the meeting. Supports and Services meet every other month. Calendar 2024. AGENDA / MINUTES  -tba Meeting Link: Meeting ID:  849 7282 3465  Passcode: 548447

7PM Start: Board of Director’s Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting: 7:00pm start time For language accommodation, please email by the end of the Tuesday before the board meeting (Oct 22nd). Simultaneous Spanish interpretation is provided at this meeting. Tendremos un intérprete de español en esta reunión. Board meetings are usually the 4th Monday of every month – no board meetings in July, August, or […]

7PM Start: Self Determination Local Advisory Committee

November 4th @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm For language interpretation at our next meeting, please email by the Wednesday before the meeting (Oct 28th for the November SDLAC meeting). Simultaneous Spanish interpretation is provided at this meeting. To request translation of meeting materials, email the same address. SDLAC Employment Opportunity for a Projects Administrator part-time  Funding Priorities […]