Having fun

At this time, RCEB is particularly interested in applications from persons who have the following expertise or who would represent the following communities:

Individuals who are Latinx
Individuals who are served by RCEB and are Latinx

Please email your inquiry to writetous@rceb.org

Recruitment Flyer – English 
Recruitment Flyer – Español


Frank Paré

Sadia Mumtaz
Vice President
Co-Chair, Supports & Services Committee


Assistant Treasurer

Renee Perls

Nyron Battles
Member, Board of Directors

Brian Blaisch
Member, Board of Directors


April Key-Lee
Co-Chair Supports & Services Committee

Daniel Hogue
Member, Board of Directors, PVAC Representative

Lisa Soloway
Member, Board of Directors

Rose Coleman
Member, Board of Directors

Teresita DeJesus
Member, Board of Directors