Transition to Adulthood: Ages 18-22
Preparation for the transition to adulthood can start early in the teenage years. Whether you graduate from school at the age of 18 or 22, your case manager is there as someone trained to assist you and help you determine the best plan. Your case manager will listen to your specific concerns based on your diagnosis and your needs, then create a program of service and support tailored just for you.
Depending on your individual diagnosis, whether you are still eligible for special education, your functioning, needs and on community resources, the following services may be available to you as determined by policies established by our Board. State law requires, however, that we explore alternate sources of funding before using Regional Center funds. Your IPP (Individual Program Plan) identifies services and plans necessary for you to achieve your agreed-upon objectives and what will be funded.
Services Provided
by RCEB Staff:
- Service Coordination — Person-Centered Individual Program Plan Development
- Assessment & Consultation coordination
- Clinical Consultation
- Assessment for medical equipment
- Referral for Institutional Deeming
- Individual Education Program Support
- Collaboration with other service agencies for supports — foster care, social services, education, juvenile courts, home administrators
Services Provided
RCEB Purchases From Community Programs and Clinicians:
- Behavior Services
- Specialized Program Support for Inclusion
- Specialized Daycare
- In-Home Respite
- Out-of-Home Respite
- Interpreter and Translator Services
- Nursing Services
- Medical Equipment and Supplies/Pharmaceutical
- Counseling (specific to the individual situation)
- Funding for Family Training
- Incontinence Supplies (exceptional cases)
- Medic Alert Services
- Specialized Transportation (exceptional cases)
- Residential Homes
- Specialized Crisis Resources
- Social Recreational Supports