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Parental Fee Program

The Parental Fee Program assesses a monthly fee to parents of regional center consumers under age 18 who receive 24-hour out-of-home care services.

Parents of children served by the regional center in 24-hour out-of-home care services paid with state funds are eligible for a parental fee assessment.

Parents with annual gross income at or above 201 percent of the current Federal Poverty Level are assessed a fee based on a percentage of income. The monthly fee shall not exceed the cost of caring for a child, as determined by the most recent data available from the United States Department of Agriculture’s survey on the cost of raising a child in the west region, or the cost of services provided, whichever is less. The statutory authority for the Parental Fee Program is located in the Welfare and Institutions Code, Section 4784.

For more information about the regulations, frequently asked questions, and an estimation calculator of costs, please visit the Department of Developmental Services page on the Family Fee Programs.