Below is a listing of some frequently used acronyms and abbreviations that are used within RCEB and the regional center system.
Printable Acronym List
ABA = Applied Behavior Analysis
ACT = Autism Clinical Team
APS = Adult Protective Services
ARCA = The Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA) represents the 21 autonomous regional centers. The objective is to support and advance the intent and mandate of the Lanterman Act.
ARFPSHN = Adult Residential Facility for Persons with Special Healthcare Needs
ASD = Autism Spectrum Disorder
BAHP = Bay Area Housing Plan
BHT = Behavioral Health Treatment
CCF = Community Care Facility
CDE = California Department of Education
CDER = Client Development Evaluation Report- During the IPP [Diagnosis & Evaluation
CFS = Children & Family Services
CIE = Competitive Integrated Employment
CITP = Community Integration Training Program
CMS = Centers for Medicaid/Medicare Services
CPP = Community Placement Plan
CPS = Child Protective Services
CPT = California Psychiatric Transitions
CRA = Clients Rights Advocate
DDN = Developmentally Disabled Nursing
DDS = Department of Developmental Services
DGS = Dept of General Services [control agency that approves DDS contracts]
DHCS = Dept of Health Care Services
DOR = Department of Rehabilitation
EBSH = Enhanced Behavioral Support Home
EI = Early Intervention
FCPP = Family Cost Participation Program [assessment of cost participation to parents of
children who receive 3 services; daycare, respite, and/or camping]
FHR = Fair Hearing Request
FRT = Forensic Review Team
HCBS = Home & Community Based Services
HCC = Health Care Checklist – done quarterly or annually
HIPAA = Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act
I&A = Intake and Assessment
IBSS = Intensive Behavioral/Social Skills Services
ICF = Intermediate Care Facility
ID/DD = Intellectual Disabilities / Developmental Disabilities
IFSP = Individual Family Service Plan
IHSS = In-Home Support Services. The program helps pay for services provided to low-income elderly, blind, or disabled individuals
including children so that they can remain safely in their own homes. IHSS is considered an
alternative to out-of-home care, such as nursing homes or board and care facilities.
ILP = Independent Living Program
ILS = Independent Living Services
IMD = Institutions for Mental Diseases
IPP = Individual Program Plan
LMC = Labor Management Committee
NOR = Notice of Resolution (as in Fair Hearings)
NPO = Non-Profit Organization
OAH = Office of Administrative Hearings
OCRA = Office of Clients Rights Advocacy
OMT = Operations Management Team
PACE = Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly. A federal program that provides community-based health care and services to people age 55 or older who otherwise would need a nursing home level of care. Individuals electing this care give up their other medical coverage.
PDD/NOS = Pervasive Developmental Disorder/Not Otherwise Specified
POS = Purchase of Services
PSOC = Parents Share of Cost
PVAC = Provider Vendor Advisory Committee
QIDP = Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional
RCFE = Residential Community Care Facility for the Elderly
RFP = Request for Proposal
SIR = Special Incident Report
SLS = Support Living Service
SMT = Senior Management Team
SOAR = Sufficiency of Allocation Report
SSDI = Social Security Disability Insurance
SSI = Supplemental Security Income – Fed income supplemented by taxes for the aged/disabled.