Getting Help
All of California’s regional centers are required to be the “payor of last resort” for any service or support that a person with developmental disabilities might need. This means that if a service is available through another source, including “generic resources” that – like public schools – are mandated to serve the general population, the regional center is prohibited by law from paying for that service.
To help clients and parents of children with developmental disabilities access local agencies and organizations that may be able to meet their needs, the Regional Center of the East Bay has prepared these lists of resources, which include a description of services, eligibility and contact information.
Support Groups
The current list of support groups for families of children and adults with developmental disabilities. It is intended to help families make connections, find support, and share resources. If you would like assistance finding a support group that meets your particular needs, you may consult your case manager or contact either the Family Resource Network or CARE Parent Network.
Department of Developmental Services Resources
The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) ensures that Californians with developmental disabilities have the opportunity to lead independent, productive lives in their community of choice. DDS oversees the coordination and delivery of services to more than 330,000 individuals who have cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, autism, epilepsy, and related conditions through a network of 21 regional centers and state-operated facilities.