In response to a number of recent questions from our community:
California is home to individuals and families who are US citizens, refugees, immigrants with and without documentation, or with temporary visas for education or employment. All Californians are entitled to services to support people with developmental and intellectual disabilities under California’s Lanterman Act, after their eligibility is established by a nonprofit regional center and the use of other possible help has been completely explored. As of February 2025, the use of these services usually does not interfere with the immigration status of non-citizen participants. If non-citizens interested in these services have questions about impacts to their immigration status, they may wish to review this guide and consult with an immigration legal services provider. There also are resources available on the Resources for ALL Californians webpage that may be of interest to our community. We remain confident in the State’s and regional centers’ ability to continue to serve Californians.
In partnership,
Department of Developmental Services