Virtual Spring Mixer for Black Special Needs Families!
This is a social mixer for black special needs families in Contra Costa County. Click on this FLYER for additional details and to register. You can also register via this LINK directly.
This is a social mixer for black special needs families in Contra Costa County. Click on this FLYER for additional details and to register. You can also register via this LINK directly.
¿Tu hijo fue seleccionado para ser parte del programa piloto de Autodeterminación? Nuestras reuniones son el 4to martes de cada mes a las 3:00pm Si está interesado en participar en esta reunión, favor de contactar a: Norma Golzalez (510) 963-9866 FLYER
Notice of Public Meeting - Aviso de reunión pública (Register in advance for this webinar -Regístrese con anticipación para este webinar) **ASL and Spanish Interpretation are scheduled** The 2020 Performance Contract is on our website HERE. Regional Center of the East Bay, Inc. will hold a public meeting on August 20, 2021 in accordance with […]
The Regional Center of the East Bay (RCEB) invites you to join us at a public meeting to hear your input on the Performance Contract for 2022. This a contract required by the Department of Developmental Disabilities to address local service needs. This meeting will focus on the input of individuals and their family members […]
DATE: Friday, February 11, 2022 TIME: 1:00 to 2:00 PM Virtual ZOOM Webinar FLYER - English FLYER - Spanish ** Language accommodation request must be received by Wed Feb 2nd ** Please email [email protected] ASL Interpretation will be provided. Please e-mail your name/email address if you will be using the ASL service. You are invited […]
VIRTUAL AUTISM CONFERENCE by PARENTS for PARENTS UNA CONFERENCIA VIRTUALSOBRE AUTISMO DE PADRES PARA PADRES This conference is geared towards parents/families of children and teens with Autism, but anyone is welcome to register. The conference will start with two young adults with Autism speaking about their experiences. Then there will be two presentations. […]