Provider Vendor Advisory Committee – for providers

Method of Meeting: Hybrid & Virtual-Zoom Location: RCEB San Leandro Office ZOOM: Meeting ID: 933 1002 4404     Passcode: 190316 One tap mobile +16694449171,,93310024404# US +16699006833,,93310024404# US (San Jose) AGENDA and MINUTES 

Supports & Services Meeting

For language accommodation, please email by the end of Tuesday before the meeting. Supports and Services meet every other month. AGENDA and MINUTES Meeting Link: Meeting ID:  874 6507 2475   Passcode:  087937

Board of Director’s Meeting

For language accommodation, please email by the end of the Tuesday before the board meeting. Simultaneous Spanish interpretation is provided at this meeting. Tendremos un intérprete de español en esta reunión. Board meetings are usually the 4th Monday of every month – no board meetings in July, August, or December. Please join us on Zoom Webinar: Webinar […]

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